Bedtime came about 9pm and since both Peavy and I were too food heavy to consider sending him home...he got tossed by Dad into my bed next to me and we snored I am sure the rest of the night, with his mouth pressed against my ear until I thought I was sleeping next to a bulldozer. Amazing how loud a dude as little as Peavy can snore. Geezus.

The next morning, recovered from our binging we awoke to rain. PFUI. No fishing today either and the rain continued for 3 more days much to our consternation. Peavy stayed over and we amused ourselves with games and my dog Butch and cat Mister Wrinkles, and the bird aka Buddy. A slightly off-color Parrot dad picked up somewhere (mom insisted from the merchant marines considering his rather vociferous vocabulary) who usually resided on his perch in the breakfast room. Dirty bird, too in more ways than one. The floor around his perch had to be newspaper covered always for he spit his seeds on the floor, and crapped too. Lovely decor accessory he wasn't.

All good things (and bad) must come to an end and the rain did too. Eventually and we did then get to go fishing although never as much as we wanted to. In time, Grandma became nothing more than a few pictures scattered here and there and a distant memory, much as she had been in life. Her friends stopped coming by as frequently and slowly everything came back to normal. At 9 of course, I was only slightly aware of these occurrences but as I look back it was kinda the order of things.

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